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"The 39 Steps"

Auditions 10th & 11th February

Much Hadham Village Hall


Based on Alfred Hitchcock’s classic 1939 adaption, the 39 Steps is a comedic thriller that has been a hit with audiences all over the world. We follow the adventure of Richard Hannay as he gets himself accidentally caught up in the shadowy world of espionage, taking in such varied sites as The London Palladium and the Scottish moors. Originally written for four actors, we are increasing that number for our production of this play. With over 100 different characters to cover between them, our cast of seven will still be kept very busy!


The main roles are described below, and audition pieces will be sent out a couple of weeks before the first audition date:

Audition Poster 50pc.jpg


Richard Hannay: The hapless hero of the play. An ordinary man who has led a fairly hum-drum existence, he finds himself fleeing from a wrongful accusation of murder through a series of improbable adventures as he is pursued by the authorities. Playing age mid-20s – mid-50s, Male.

The Woman: In the four-actor version of the play, the three main female roles were performed by one person and the intention is for us to do the same for this production. These roles were: a foreign spy, a Scottish farmer’s wife and a well-spoken English lady (the latter of which is the heroine of the story). Playing age mid-20s – mid-50s, Female.

The Clowns: These four performers play all other roles involved in the show, which will give them a great chance to flex their acting muscles. The roles vary, and include policemen, Scottish innkeepers, Music Hall acts and henchmen. Playing age and sex can be any.

The Professor: A short cameo role, this is a wealthy gentleman who lives in a grand establishment and is sought after by Richard Hannay for his help. Playing age mid-50s or above, Male.


As most of the performers will need to be able to represent several different characters, I am planning to include a couple of small improv games during auditions to help people think about body language and characterisations.

The production will be taking place in Much Hadham Village Hall on 15th, 16th and 17th May. Rehearsals will commence on 17th February, and are mainly on Monday and Wednesday evenings


If you are interested in coming along please let me know.


See you there :)


Lorna x

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